Most sexy looking girls do not have someone to tell them the truth. The following conversation took place between a grandmother and her grand-daughter . Grandma: Mutoni, where are you going? Mutoni: Grandma, I am going to Church. Grandma: Really? Please come and sit down and let's talk for a minute before you go. I think we still have ample time before the Church Service begins? Don't we? Mutoni: Yes, about an hour. Grandma: The way you are dressed, in fact, you look very sexy. Mutoni: (Smiling) Thank you very much ma. Grandma: Hmmmm, Mutoni, I can see you love that compliment. Please tell me, do you need someone to have sex with you? Mutoni: Ooh, noo! Grandma. Why this question? Grandma: If you do not need someone to have sex with you, then, why do you dress "sexy"? Mutoni: There's nothing to worry about, Grannie. I just want to.... Grandma: (cuts in)... dressed to kill, as usual! Mutoni, a Godly girl should never feel proud or swollen-head...